Medical Care For The Early Development Years

As toddlers begin to explore the world more independently they run a higher risk of injury.  They may also be in daycare or preschool and exposed to other children.  They may have more frequent colds as it is difficult to tell a young child not to hug their friend, and they are typically sharing toys.  Should any symptoms concern you, please call our office.
toddler eating in highchair with messy face
15th Month Visit

The doctor will perform a thorough examination of your child and discuss developmental milestones and growth.  She will ask about your child’s nutrition and make suggestions on foods to support optimal growth and health.  She will ask about childproofing and safety, including hazards at home to watch out for.  She will discuss your child’s immunization schedule and general well-being.

At this stage you may notice your toddler is able to walk more steadily, try to climb on objects, hold a cup well and start to use a spoon, say a few words, point to body parts, as well as start to say “no” and have tantrums.  Ask the doctor about any behavioral concerns.  To help with development, avoid TV and videos, set and maintain limits for your child, and be consistent.  Try to reward positive behavior rather than always focusing on negative behaviors. Childproofing and safety.

18th Month Visit

The doctor will again examine your child at 18 months, and discuss development, growth, and behavior.  She will discuss your child’s diet, safety, and immunization schedule.  By now you may notice your child walks steadier and faster, may try to throw or kick a ball, climbs stairs with help, stacks 3 to 4 blocks, copies your actions, and starts to test limits by saying “no” and throwing tantrums.  Continue to read to your child daily and avoid TV and videos.  Don’t force toilet training but let your child watch others using the toilet. Childproofing and safety.  

toddler playing with blocks
picture of teddy bear in bathroom on a potty training toilet
24th Month Visit

Nutrition may become a challenge at this stage but the doctor will discuss how to provide a healthy, balanced diet for your child during the exam.  She will discuss your child’s development, safety, and immunizations.  Toilet training may be more central to working with your child at this stage but continue to make it a positive experience.  Most children stay dry during the day by age 3 but some need more time.  Many will still need pull-ups while asleep.  The best approach is to relax.  At this age, you may also notice your child climbs up and down stairs, jumps off the floor with both feet, copies a circle, speaks in sentences and asks questions, and joins other children in play. Childproofing and safety. 


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