Frequently asked questions

What temperature is considered fever?
Clinically, fever starts at 100.4F.
When can my baby start drinking water?
Your baby may start drinking water at 6 months of age. Prior to 6 months, they are constantly drinking water through breast milk and/or in their formula.
What age is a good time to start potty training?
Most toddlers do not show interest in potty training until they are about 2 years of age. We often recommend starting training at that time but remember that every child is different and successful training will depend on consistency and the child’s interest.
How often does my child need a physical exam?
A physical exam is required at the ages of 1 month, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, 15 months, 18 months, and 2 years. After the age of 2, a physical exam is required once a year.
How much exercise should my child get on a daily basis?
This can vary by age. It is recommended that all young children less than 4 years of age get a minimum of 30 minutes daily of recess or play time. Children 5 and older should get a minimum of 45 minutes of daily exercise. Remember these are general guidelines and there may be individual circumstances or conditions that may require more individual wellness care plans with specified exercise and diet instructions.
Which is better ibuprofen or Acetaminophen for fever and/or pains?
  They both work well to treat pain and fever. Ibuprofen contains anti-inflammatory properties and if there is inflammation involved then we would recommend the use of Ibuprofen.
What to do if baby’s belly button stump falls off?
Don't Panic! You might see a yellow/ clear oozing discharge. This is normal. Keep the area clean and dry. Allow for natural healing. If the area becomes red or swollen, then seek medical attention with your pediatrician.
How soon does my newborn need to see a Pediatrician?
 Newborns should be seen within 48 hours after discharge from the hospital and again at 2 weeks of age for health and weight follow-up
What time is good for bedtime? How much sleep does my child need?
 Generally speaking, bedtime is an individual decision that each set of parents must decide on. General guidelines recommend all growing children get a minimum of 8 hours of sleep nightly.
What can I do if my baby is constipated?
Consult with your pediatrician on age-appropriate instructions for relieving constipation in your baby. Attempting gentle rectal stimulation and rotation with the tip of a thermometer or the tip of the pinky finger promotes a bowel movement. Make sure to apply a small amount of topical Vaseline or lubricating gel to the thermometer tip or your pinky finger. In some cases, depending on the age, you can give your baby equal parts prune juice diluted with nursery water but no more than 2 ounces total of the mixture daily.
When should I take my child to the ER /Urgent Care versus waiting to see my Pediatrician?
In the case of an injury or illness that cannot be treated by your pediatrician, if the injury or illness occurs after office hours, or if your pediatrician’s office is not able to receive you as a walk-in on the same day, we recommend consulting with the office staff or pediatrician before heading out to your nearest ER or Urgent Care. They may be able to provide you with verbal assistance and a next-day follow-up appointment..
When can my child have (her) ears pierced?
 Our recommendation is at least a month after they receive their first DTAP vaccine, which may be as early as 3 months of age.
How do I know if I am feeding my baby enough?
Generally, most babies will release their milk bottle on their own when they are full. Most children when eating solids will stop eating when full. If they are having good positive weight gain that is a good indicator that they are eating enough. For more individual or specific nutritional guidance, please contact your pediatrician.
When does teething begin?
Teething usually begins around 6 months of age but some babies can teeth earlier or later.
Can babies get COVID-19?
Yes. Newborns, Infants, and Children are not immune or exempt from acquiring COVID-19 infections.
Do you do ear piercings in your office?
Yes we do but the patient must be up to date with their immunizations.
When should I be concerned that my baby is spitting up too much?
Parents should be concerned when their baby is putting up large amounts multiple times after each feeding and/or has multiple spit-ups throughout the time between feeds or the baby is losing weight instead of gaining weight.
How can I help to prevent colds and virus infections?
Wash your hands frequently with soap and water and use hand sanitizer with at least 60%alcohol base. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue during coughs and sneezes then dispose of the tissue in the trash. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Frequently contacted surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected routinely.  Stay home if you are sick.
At what age can I give my baby cereal or solid foods?
The AAP recommends starting solids at 6 months of age. Some babies will require, on an individual basis, to start earlier with cereals depending on health conditions. For more individual or specific nutritional guidance, please contact your pediatrician.
Why can’t I see my Pediatrician when my child’s insurance plan is currently assigned to another Pediatrician?
‘HMO’ insurance plans require the assignment of a PCP (Primary Care Physician). This means you have one specific PCP or Pediatrician assigned to you at a time, therefore the insurance plan will only cover the visit cost at the assigned pediatric office.
Why do I need a follow-up visit with my Pediatrician after being seen at an Urgent Care or Emergency Room?
A follow-up visit is often a mandatory requirement by the majority of health insurance policies in order to remain compliant. It also ensures us the patient has improved and all symptoms have resolved and/or do not require any further medical management.


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9020 SW 137th Ave STE 200, Miami, FL 33186
(786) 866-2599
(305) 777-3505

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